NURS 600 Assignment 3.3 Connecting Developmental Theory

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Key Real Factors and Disclosures Formative speculations assume a critical part in understanding thought paying little mind to progress in years (Damis, 2022). The justification for this errand is to perceive, break down, and get a handle on the usage of a picked formative hypothesis for a fanciful patient case and afterward relate it to the treatment and the leading group of a more established patient.

I’m a clinical overseer master in the geriatric populace, gaining practical experience in participation organization. I need to get a handle on how each recently referenced hypothesis can be applied to the thought plan of more established patients with state of the art Alzheimer’s disease. Propelling the patients’ formative and psychosocial needs is ensured to further develop their prosperity and individual fulfillment. Investigate our task NURS 600 Task 3.2 Hypothesis Venture Submit Content Framework for more data.

Patient Case

Patient Profile

Mr. John Doe is a 78-year-old male who is still up in the air to have Alzheimer’s sickness at an undeniable level stage. He has decided to have diabetes, and he lives with his young lady, who manages him. He in like manner has a kid who lives in one more state and comes to sometimes see him. Mr. Doe, a hypertensive kind two-diabetic patient, takes ordinary upkeep prescriptions and is a surrendered engineer. Encountering this kind of disorder that has made him, lately, transform into a widow; he is endeavoring to manage this contamination with the help of his friends and family. He has a young lady, she is in like manner drawn in with his everyday consideration, and she is frequently there to screen his physical and, especially, his state of mind, given his persistently weakening dementia.

Developmental Stage Analysis Integration of Theories

  • Freud’s Theory (Psychosexual Stages)

He is by and by more prepared than the age range and, generally, associated with psychosexual getting sorted out; these speculations can, regardless, be valuable in executing Mr. John Doe’s thoughts. With Alzheimer’s disease, a patient could have strain and lead issues given external sensations of fear and battle that are perceived (Godena et al., 2023). Even though tension associated with mental ability could overwhelm him, utilizing another watchman part, similar to restriction or refusal, could help.

These automated points should be perceived by the parental figure and tended to by talking soothingly, ensuring the environment is in its best condition, and taking part in various activities that would isolate the disquiet structure and associate with the security one.

  • Erikson’s Theory (Psychosocial Stages)

Applying Erikson’s psychosocial hypothesis, the individual depicted in the situation, the patient Mr. John Doe, is in the phase of Trustworthiness versus Misery. Despair. It presents the peculiarity of end-of-life care to catch him in his raised undeniable level of Alzheimer’s Disease. Be that as it may, there is a kind opportunity to help him with recuperating his genuineness as you find and distill the accomplishments of his life and the part he played in making his story.

It has been shown the way that memory treatment can assist patients with staying aware of their honorability and mental self-view; subsequently, discussing the positive pieces of the patient and bringing their memory of accomplishments would be valuable in this extraordinary circumstance (Trejo-Lopez et al., 2021). Also, more settled adults actually need day to day consolation in such pieces of life as adjusting to disappointment associated with unfortunate mental changes, as taught by the audit in regards to near and dear improvement in old age to help their fulfillment in this stage.

  • Piaget’s Theory (Cognitive Development)

The stages for cognitive development by Piaget cannot be utilized on Mr. John Doe completely since the patient is old and most likely has Alzheimer’s illness, which influences his cognitive capabilities; regardless, information on cognitive cycles is central in his treatment plan. It prompts dementia that causes moderate degeneration of intellectual capacity, like loss of memory and disarray. To coordinate Piaget suspicion, one needs to recognize such cognitive modifications and adjust to the event (Lei et al., 2021).

NURS 600 Assignment 3.3 Connecting Developmental Theory

This might include making Mr. Doe follow a comparative timetable as an approach to sorting out his day, having standard tokens of his exercises and undertakings for the afternoon, empowering him to do different exercises that challenge the condition of his brain, and fostering a normal that helps him into the extent that is conceivable as an approach to working on his satisfaction.

  • Vygotsky’s Theory (Sociocultural Development)

According to Vygotsky and the Socio-social hypothesis of improvement, the continuous stage for learning Mr. John Doe highlights how social participation is regarded being developed. Regardless, as it has Alzheimer’s disease, social association is very critical since it helps in regular government help. While completing Vygotsky’s hypothesis, it ought to be noticed that family members should partake in critical and helpful collaboration with Mr. Doe. Propelling routine visits, keeping up discussions that associate with past experiences, and remembering the patient for relaxation exercises and interests can go about as basic social participation, support, and mental tests that advance the learning cycle and thriving of the patient inside seeing the condition (Mintun et al., 2021).

  • Smilansky’s Play Theory

Smilansky’s play theory, while not straightforwardly pertinent to Mr. John Doe because of his young oldness, absence of actual finesse, and significant cognitive decline due to Alzheimer’s sickness, can be downsized and modified to increase his consideration. By coordinating and arranging exercises and play-like treatments, for example, music treatment and expressions, or reviewing occasions that occurred before, it becomes conceivable to help Mr. Doe review the data he got before and simultaneously get the experience of joy.

These mediations allow him to encounter the tangible surfaces of his current circumstance, to impersonate or not express sentiments, communicate with others, and partake in superior personal satisfaction regardless of the ASD (Juan Carlos Ruíz et al., 2020). In this case, using different individualized procedures will make it feasible to utilize play mediation further to develop Mr. Doe’s discernment and psychosocial prosperity.

  • Bandura’s Social Learning Theory

Explicitly concerning Mr. John Doe’s case, Bandura’s social learning theory accentuates observational learning and displays helpful data on how the arrangement of care can be tended to regardless of his degeneration. Through showing and observational learning strategies mediation, the parental figures in caring for Mr. Doe ought to guarantee that they take care of ways of behaving that build up good activities and stay away from those that incite forceful sentiments like unsettling. In showing the restrictive utilization of positive language and showing others how it is done, as a mindful parental figure, one can guarantee that Mr. Doe sees and mimics a serene person’s ideal ways of behaving.

In addition, coordinating the timetable and including clear examples and unmistakable errands will likewise add to his sense of safety and solace, and that implies that further legitimate correspondence with him can be improved, and episodes of pain can be successfully diminished (Rumjaun & Narod, 2020). Applying Bandura’s theory permits parental figures to involve observational learning as a methodology to improve suitable ways of behaving and upgrade the personal satisfaction of Mr. Doe despite the restricted PT given by Alzheimer’s sickness.

  • Bowlby’s Attachment Theory

Noticing the imperative marks of Bowlby’s attachment theory, it is feasible to stress that the safely connected people’s states add to their general prosperity and genius in any stage of their life, in any event, with regards to such a period as oldness, for instance, the Mr. John Doe’s no doubt. While applying this theory, the key viewpoint is that Mr. Doe should have a real sense of security and be helped by his girl and the nursing and medical services group through consistent, cherishing care.

From the setting of attachment theory, consequently focusing on the close-to-home responsiveness and actual presence laid out with Mr. Doe, the storyteller establishes a climate of fatherly trust and assurance. This reinforced attachment buffers him from trouble and upgrades his ability to manage Alzheimer’s infection, accordingly fortifying his overall mental and close-to-home prosperity (Granqvist, 2020).

Anticipated Treatment and Care Plan

  • Medical Management

Trustworthy answers for Mr. John Doe’s Alzheimer’s, hypertension, and diabetes should be addressed to deal with his medical necessities enough. Along these lines, through standards coming about on the patient’s medication plan and modifications in the proposed assessments of the different fabricated materials, the result of the cycle and possible potential outcomes can be truly organized by well-informed healthcare authorities. Supplementation of his prospering status enables a medical caretaker to see any possible improvements nts and avoid intricacies arising from his comorbid conditions (Yiannopoulou & Papageorgiou, 2020).

  • Psychosocial Support

Figuring out the memory treatment could be a one-of-a-kind chance to add to the improvement of Mr. Doe’s impression of loss of character, considering his dementia condition. Through the discussions and activities that make the patient review critical things in his standard presence, Mr. Doe can have to trust everything through his typical everyday presence and his motivation to live on account of the lone stories he hears or sees customary.

NURS 600 Assignment 3.3 Connecting Developmental Theory

Subsequently, considering the necessities of the carers and offering training and support to the carers will go far in controlling and deterring carer stress, consequently pushing momentous caregiving (Pasquini et al., 2022). The movement of overseeing resources for caregivers manages the limit of caregivers to think about the errands of caregiving while simultaneously watching out for their necessities.

  • Cognitive and Behavioral Strategies

Wrapping different cognitive energizing distinguishable endeavors according to the furthest reaches of Mr. Doe is reasonable in that it manages cognitive features and stays aware of ideal mental achievement. Such exercises like playing puzzles, word games, or games related to singing and music help toster brain affiliations and possibly end the cognitive corruption process (Iodice et al., 2021). Moreover, the usage of behavioral change strategies like redirection and changing the environment stays aware of signs of major areas of strength for bewildered ways of managing acting, thus dealing with the solitary fulfillment for Mr. Doe and ensuring that he is safeguarded.

  • Social and Environmental Modifications

Investigating the flourishing and customariness of other living plans is fundamental for Mr. Doe, given his hindrance. By far, by far most of these dangers have been achieved by his insufficiency; in this manner, by killing wellsprings of chance and joining express workspaces, the flourishing of falling or having a calamity is decreased for Mr. Doe.

To this end, orchestrating more settled with different family members or mates reduces the impression of sharpness since this is a for the most part normal inclination that transcendently a huge piece of the old proceeds (Iodice et al., 2021). Likewise, these social activities help their psychological basics and engage facilitated work to animate their general social affiliation limits.

All things considered, this particular undertaking has strikingly featured the significance of progress hypotheses in zeroing in on the old, especially for patients like Mr. John Doe, who are encountering Alzheimer’s inclinations. Thusly, considering related speculations as freud Erikson’s, and Vygotsky’s theories concerning adolescents’ improvement, among other related hypotheses, parental figures should give unequivocal and more raised intercessions to meet Mr. Doe’s sure developmental/psychosocial needs.

This changes personally with the objectives delineated in NURS 600 Undertaking 3.3 Partner Developmental Speculation, which highlights the use of developmental hypotheses to patient thought. This is a more comprehensive strategy for managing giving benefits by and large to his clinical necessities and from the social-significant and mental perspectives. Hence, understanding the developmental speculations and orchestrating them into care restlessly for patients like Mr. Doe will help clinical benefits providers with chipping away at the solitary fulfillment for unequivocal people like Mr. Doe in the later expanded lengths of their lives.


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