NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 3 Nurse Educator Philosophy Statement

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Nurse Educator Philosophy Statement

In the dynamic world of healthcare, the preparation of the nurse educator is a crucial aspect, as the educator is the driver of change in the nursing profession. Nurs FPX 6103 Assessment 3 framework for the formation of a personal philosophy in the tripartite role of the nurse educator-teacher-scholar-practitioner is both clear and thought-provoking. This philosophy should be informed by a deep understanding of the theories of adult learning, learner autonomy education, as well as competencies for nurse educators (Billings & Halstead, 2020). In this statement, I will clearly state a set of principles and philosophies about the adult learner, the contextual environment that will support learning and the pedagogy I will espouse as an educator. I will also explain in detail how I plan to apply this philosophy in all three parts of the triangular concept, thereby demonstrating the practicality and potential impact of my philosophy. I will also detail historical events and necessary competencies as a foundational aspect of my vision as a nurse educator. This reflective process is useful for the development of my practice in order to determine when and where it is most needed in current and future nursing education, thus enhancing the production of effective and sensitive nurses and healthcare professionals (National League for Nursing, 2019).

Nurs FPX 6103 Assessment 3 Formulation of Nurse Educator Philosophy Statement

In the ever-changing environment of health care, nurse educators stand out as key players in the development of generations of nurses. As a nurse educator, my theology of education embraces principles of Erickson’s and Knowles’ adult learning theories, learner-centred education, and the essential competencies of nursing education (Davis, 2019). Adherence to this philosophy will not just inform, but guide my practice in halls of teaching, scholarship, and service. It will ensure that I stay relevant with the present and future nursing education requirements, and most importantly, it will demonstrate the practical application and impact of my philosophy in the real world of nursing education (National League for Nursing, 2019).

Beliefs and Values

I firmly believe that learners, particularly adults, who take ownership of their learning, bring valuable experiences and intrinsic motivation to the table. Knowles (1990) identifies four principles regarding the nature of adult learning: adult learners are voluntary; independence is characteristic of the process of learning; adults assume responsibility for choosing content that they want to learn; and learners’ experiences are the starting point for learning. In line with these principles, as a nurse educator, I am committed to fostering a learning climate that empowers learners to set specific learning objectives and pursue them with vigor, respecting and trusting in their abilities.

To ensure that people, especially students and lecturers, gain the knowledge needed in their respective fields, fostering a good learning environment is very important. Nurs FPX 6103 Assessment 3 Sustaining an environment of mutual respect and appreciation of open communication, as well as the idea that errors are opportunities for learning, creates a platform for students to contribute their ideas while embracing a chance to learn from their mistakes (Candela, 2019). Promoting the bodily and psychological safety of learners shall be paramount to enable the appropriateness to bear fruits.

Application to Tripartite Roles

When teaching practice is concerned, I will ensure that I develop comprehensive and innovative teaching and learning activities that will foster critical thinking as well as the development of superior clinical reasoning skills. If I adopt and implement learner-centred approaches like PBL and group assignments, it will ensure that students engage in their learning process. A review of literature in the area of nursing education has pointed out the importance of scholarship in the development of this field. It will direct me in my chosen career since it encompasses the promotion of scholarly activities with core values placed on research, evidence-based practice and professional development (Scheckel, 2019). I shall meaningfully participate in the expanded knowledge of the nursing profession based on research findings, dissemination, and publication of my work. Furthermore, it is also part of my professional development plan to update and enhance my knowledge and skills in this nursing education with the current trends and innovations.

Nurs FPX 6103 Assessment 3 Influence of Historical Events

It is mportant for the reader to have an understanding that history has been vital in determining the role of nurse educators. By the time of the provision of the first nursing education programs, the development of the nursing theory and the growth of the overall healthcare technologies, both essential and desired competencies of nurse educators have changed. For example, the Flexner Report of 1910 placed importance on standardised medical education, which, in turn, prompted discursive formations of standardisation in nursing education (Ironside, 2020). Nurs FPX 6103 Assessment 3, accrediting the National League for Nursing (NLN) Core Competencies for Nurse Educators has enhanced mechanisms that guarantee that instructors are ready to deal with challenges found in the field (National League for Nursing, 2019).

Essential Competencies

In addressing the functions and competencies needed for the position of a nurse educator prepared with an MSN, it is imperative to note that several of them are essential. Training and development: These are characterised by the ability to enhance learning delivery and learners’ development and socialisation, defined assessment and evaluation, and involvement in program curriculum planning and evaluation. Nurs FPX 6103 Assessment 3 Besides, as a change agent, leader, quality improvement worker, scholar, and systems thinker, exercising critical comprehension of the educational context is crucial (Kunaviktima et al., 2019). They include competencies that define the knowledge and skills needed for nurturing new generations of nurses capable of addressing current and future healthcare challenges.

Tripartite Roles and Nurse Educator Philosophy

From my perspective, adult learners are as important as young learners because they come with great experiences and are intrinsically motivated. In Knowles’ ADULT LEARNING THEORY, Kolb points out that the following is true adults are responsible for their learning choices. Growing from these experiences, as a nurse educator, I will create the necessary atmosphere where the students define their learning objectives and become empowered to take their education destinies into their own hands.

Nurs FPX 6103 Assessment 3 Building an educational culture that is accepting and favourable for all learners is a major factor in the teaching and learning process. An appropriate environment that fosters respect for fellow students as well as encourages the flow of information, and develops a culture of regular enhancement of the educational process enables students to freely voice and implement ideas from which they can learn the consequences of their actions (Candela, 2019). Learner protection will be deemed essential to promote physical and psychological safety since it will have a tremendous impact and influence on the degree of classroom learning success.

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When teaching, I will ensure that the students are provided with appropriate content in a format that will make them more creative by offering problem-based education that is tailored to foster independent clinical thinking. Making use of learner-centred activities – PBL, cooperation projects, etc. I shall engage the learners in the classes and encourage their participation in the learning processes. Moreover, I will integrate the use of technology and evidence-based teaching practices, an important aspect that will enable me as a health educator to embrace the latest developments in teaching and learning in healthcare education (Billings & Halstead, 2020). I understand that further research is still necessary to identify how to implement technology in the teaching and learning of nursing effectively, and I shall apply for a professional enrichment program with a view to updating myself.

Influence of Historical Events on a Nurse Educator’s Role

Nurs FPX 6103 Assessment 3 Glimpsing at historical events will reveal how nurse educators have been influenced in regard to the education standards, curricula, and practices. The most pivotal event was the formal nursing education programs; one of such was conducted by Florence Nightingale who strived to form the first scientifically based nursing school, for which she was given the nod at the St. Thomas ‘s Hospital in London in the year of 1860. This campaign focused on the implementation of developmental curricula and supervised clinical practices and, therefore, laid down the foundation for modern-day nursing training that seeks to incorporate stringent academic and clinical requirements. Importance to the nursing profession was the Flexner Report of 1910, which primarily targeted medical education but had a profound influence on nursing education as well. It called for organised and evidence-based curricular content across medical school programs, which led to similar demands among nursing schools (Ironside, 2020).

Subsequent to the development of general theories, advances in mid-twentieth-century nursing shifted education in the field. The theoretical frameworks offered by nursing theorists such as Virginia Henderson, Dorothea Orem, and Jean Watson incorporated the approaches that offered a broader understanding of patients as people instead of mere diagnoses, as well as the roles and responsibilities of nurses in their care. These theories still remain valid to this date and are part of the nursing education preparation to ensure that preparation is geared toward intensive care of the patients.

Competencies Necessary for a Specific Nurse Educator Role

Nurse educator is a professional position that needs specific competencies to promote learners’ learning and development, to facilitate and assess a learning process, and to engage in own learning as a lifelong process. These competencies are crucial for the development of satisfying nurse educators human capital that will help in meeting the profession’s needs and developing the field of nursing education. There is one significant competency area of learning facilitation, which means that advocates should ensure that the learning environment is suitable and encourage different teaching approaches besides the competent utilization of technology (Wiederspohn et al. , 2019). They need to be knowledgeable on how to create and facilitate instruction processes that include group work, presentation, and case analysis with a focus on clinical decision-making. For example, the application of the simulation technologies enables students to train clinical skills without putting many theoretical and practical aspects into practice thus resulting in improved confidence and competency. Moreover, elements of active learning like case discussions and Teaching involve the application of prior learned content, such as case discussions and problem-based learning.

Nurs FPX 6103 Assessment 3 Promoting Learner development

Promoting learner development and socialisation is another factor that needs to be embraced by teachers. This entails understanding the scope of the needs a student has and how best to assist them to overcome these needs and get them to where they seek to be in terms of education standards and employment needs. Teacher practitioners in the field of nursing also should cultivate an environment that encourages and fosters two-way communication about patient care. In this way, learning processes can be optimized and necessary transformations can be made in the particular educational process requiring the understanding of the individual learning preferences of the students which will enable them to learn the needed skills that are essential for their job as professional nurses (Scheckel, 2019). As for comprehensive assessment and evaluation approaches, they are also crucial. Formative and summative forms of assessment should be used to determine the performance rate of students, and to do this, nurse educators have to be conversant with how to organize and conduct the assessments (Oermann & Gaberson, 2019). This can involve setting specific goals and the level of achievement that is required to pass a particular course and using different means of assessing the performance of students including end-of-semester tests, simulations’ and even clinical assessments.


In conclusion of Nurs FPX 6103 Assessment 3, it is critical to have a philosophy when entering the profession for nurse educators for teaching, scholarship, and service. This philosophy should include the following: a focus on the learning and development of the learner, the assessment and evaluation of learning, the scholarship of learning, and the commitment to improving quality. There are effective ways that allow nurse educators to develop meaningful classroom experiences for the students and improve the NLN Core Competencies that are crucial for student success, as well as recognize and work within the framework of adult learning theories. Additional, pinpointing historical events affecting the teaching and its future evolution of nursing to continuously expand, and being prepared to address the changes in technologies and educational methods is essential to sustain receptiveness and efficiency in the given position. Therefore, nurse educators need to invest time and resources to update their credentials, actively participate in research, and play a vital role in the development and assessment of curricula to initiate change that meets the dynamic nursing health care world.


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