Descriptive Statistics and Data Visualizations
This will help the nursing home administrator decide whether to retain the department manager based on the manager’s decisions over the last 70 months. Based on that data, a statistical analysis will be completed to help determine whether those decisions were effective and contributed to the nursing home’s success.
Descriptive Statistical Analysis and Histogram
The descriptive statistical analysis performed used the data provided by the nursing home for utilization: the average number of patient days per month, satisfaction, patient satisfaction scores received, and the rate of readmissions per month.

Measure of Central Tendency and Dispersion
The measures often used are the mean, median, and mode to measure central tendency (Kros et al., 2016). The results for the data provided for utilization are that the mean is 69.56, the median is 67.59, and the mode has no value displayed. The measures used to determine the dispersion for utilization are range 97, variance 470.36, and standard deviation 21.68. Dispersion describes how far the values are from the measures of central tendency. The central tendency measurement for satisfaction is that the mean is 49.34, the median is 52, and the mode is 96.
The dispersion for satisfaction displays a standard deviation of 31.13, a range of 97, and a variance of 969.61. Lastly, the data provided for the nursing home’s readmission rate displayed the results for the central tendency: the mean is 0.10, the median is 0.104, and the mode has no numerical value. The dispersion results for the monthly readmission rate display a standard deviation of 0.04, a range of 0.200, and a variance of 0.0023.
A histogram was constructed for each data set, including utilization, satisfaction, and readmission rate. A histogram is often used to visualize the distribution of numerical data, indicating the number of data points within a range of values. (Kros et al., 2016)

Histogram Results
The data used to create the histogram results is the information collected over 70 months based on the decisions made by the department manager. The focused categories are utilization, satisfaction, and readmission. The descriptive statistical chart shows an average of 70% utilization, the percentage of patients who utilize the facility for healthcare services. Compared to the histogram chart for utilization, this data has an average of 70% per month, which is the normal consistent average for the facility.
The longest period was 17 months, with a slight increase of 81% for 14 months. The histogram data for patient satisfaction shows a variation in the percentage for several months. The average patient satisfaction percentage is 49%, per the descriptive statistical chart. The histogram chart for patient satisfaction shows that the percentage fluctuates. The average was 15% for 12 months, gradually increasing to 63% or higher for 11 months.
Readmission data displays the average monthly rate of patients returning to the facility to seek healthcare services for new or the same issues. The descriptive statistical chart shows a rate of 10.6048918% per month. The facility’s histogram for readmissions shows a fluctuation in the rate, from 8.2216826% for several months to 13.2258531% for 14 months.
Descriptive Statistics and Data Visualizations Summary
Descriptive statistics and histogram datasheets were created and reviewed to accurately determine if the department manager’s decision had a positive or negative impact on the nursing facility’s performance over 70 months. Based on the data presented over 70 months, the department manager has managed to maintain an average utilization of 70%, with several months increasing to 81% or more, which are satisfactory numbers. The patient satisfaction rate can use some improvement. A solid performance plan can help keep the average rate consistent.
The average rate is 49%, with a low of 15% for several months before improvements. The readmission rate was relatively low for several months at 8.22%, reaching an average of 10.60%. The hospital administrator should consider the acceptable monthly quotas for the facility and compare them to the performance data the department manager has demonstrated over 70 months before making a final decision. The department manager has shown the ability to improve utilization, satisfaction, and readmission rates by trying different methods.
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Kros, J. F., Rosenthal, D. A., & Veney, J. E. (2016). Statistics for health care management and administration : working with Excel. Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Brand.
Zaiontz, C. (2023). Creating Histograms | Real Statistics Using Excel.