Self-Assessment of Leadership, Collaboration, and Ethics
NHS Fpx 5004 Assessment 4 healthcare, one has to be honest with himself/herself about leadership, teamwork, and ethics. Through the honest self-evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses in these areas, healthcare workers can discover the ways to improve, to lead and work with others easily and to make sure they follow the ethical standards. This process of reflection makes healthcare professionals multidimensional, responsible, and compassionate and they put patient care first and create a good, effective healthcare environment (Cleary et al., 2020). The most significant aspect of this whole review is the evaluation of the leadership qualities and the way the ethical principles are applied to achieve the better outcomes.
Collaboration and Leadership Qualities Relative to Specific Experience
The honesty was the most significant of my personal beliefs during this period. I made sure that our team adhered to the rules and guidelines for conducting medical studies that are suitable. This couldn’t have occurred if there was no openness and responsibility in the team, and everyone knew how important it was to maintain the highest standards of patient safety and data security.
I also emphasized the significance of the good communication in the team and with the outside partners. For everyone to comprehend their jobs and tasks as well as the goals of the trials, they had to communicate clearly and directly (Raurell-Torredà et al. , 2021). Through the implementation of the open communication and feedback, I managed to build an environment where people could work together and express their ideas and problems freely without any limitations.
I was a good boss by providing my team with the necessary tools and support to do their jobs well. I provided the proper training and support to every person and also I urged them to make use of the professional growth opportunities to get better at their job. I was trying to provide them with the means to overcome the obstacles by investing in their growth. This method was good in dealing with the complicated parts of medical studies, and it ensured that our work corresponded to the main goals of the organization.
Leadership and Motivational Techniques
In my capacity as the Team Manager responsible for hypertension medical research, I applied the 4Rs of motivation—Responsibilities, Relationships, Rewards and Reasons—to unite all the employees in the company to work in collaboration (Pike et al. , 2020). The first thing I did was to assign each team member clear responsibilities according to their skills and knowledge, so that they would realize how important their parts were in the accomplishment of our goals.
This way of working is similar to NHS Fpx 5004 Assessment 4 Situational Leadership Model where jobs are given to team members according to their skills and readiness (Wuryani et al. , 2021). Second, I also attached great importance to the establishment of good connections with people who were not a part of the team, such as scholars, doctors, and governing bodies. I designed a place where people could collaborate by encouraging trust and open communication. It is the same as the concepts of Transformational Leadership, which put emphasis on building strong relationships with others (Jeong, 2020).
NHS Fpx 5004 Assessment 4 Self Assessment for the Leadership
Last but not least I introduced a system of rewards and praise to motivate people to do their best work and to show their appreciation for it. This is in line with the ideas of Expectancy Theory, which explains that when the awards and the praise are connected to the performance, they motivate people to continue doing their best and remain committed (Gelle-Jimenez & Aguiling, 2021). To sum up, I never failed to explain to people the reason for what we were doing—how important the medical studies were in the improvement of care for high blood pressure.
This made all the people engaged in the process to realize how their job fits into the whole picture, which is the idea of inspirational leadership that underlines the importance of a strong vision. (Salas-Vallina et al. , 2020)Through these positive methods I incorporated into my leadership I managed to create a team that worked well and was motivated. This made everyone who was involved in the medical research to be attentive to their work and to be very committed to their success. This method not only facilitated the collaboration among people but also it multiplied the total success and impact of our efforts in the field of patient care and medical study.
Actions Taken in Response to Ethical Dilemma
My role as a Team Manager in charge of medical studies for high blood pressure brought a hard ethical problem that I had to deal with. This problem needed careful thought and obedience to the leadership and ethical rules. To solve this problem, I used these principles: the balance of justice, the regard for liberty, the nature of beneficence, and the evilness of non-maleficence.
In compliance with the principle of the respect for the liberty, I firstly checked that all the potential volunteers knew all the details of the study, including its purpose, the possible risks, and the possible benefits. Hence, the information was given to people in a clear and complete way and they were free to decide if they wanted to take part or not (Xu et al. , 2020).
NHS Fpx 5004 Assessment 4
Besides, beneficence and non-maleficence were also my priorities, so I tried to organize the study in a way that the well-being of the participants was the main focus, the risks were minimized and the possible benefits were maximized (McLean, 2023). I wanted to be a part of the group that would promote the idea of justice by working together and getting feedback from a lot of people. This would guarantee that all the people were treated in the same way and did not have any unfair treatment.
Nevertheless, the steps that were taken in the face of this ethical problem demonstrated a commitment to the moral choices in the care setting, guided by the basic principles of our field and the principles of good leadership. Thus, the purity of the study was maintained as the subjects’ health and freedom were the top priority.
NHS Fpx 5004 Assessment 4 being the Team Manager in medical studies on the causes of high blood pressure, I realized how to be a good leader, team player and take responsibility for my actions. This was the point when I understood that it is crucial to align my personal values with professional standards. Through the application of morals and ethical leadership models in my job, I managed to build up a team that was based on truth and cooperation. Hence, I will go on keeping my promise to be better and I will take these lessons to meet the new challenges in the future with honesty and compassion.
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NHS Fpx 5004 Assessment 4 Gelle-Jimenez, M., & Aguiling, H. M. (2021). Leveraging human resources management (HRM) practices toward congruence of values. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 10(1), 85–94.
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Pike, M. A., Hart, P., Paul, S.-A. S., Lickona, T., & Clarke, P. (2020). Character development through the curriculum: teaching and assessing the understanding and practice of virtue. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 53(4), 1–18.
Raurell-Torredà, M., Rascón-Hernán, C., Malagón-Aguilera, C., Bonmatí-Tomás, A., Bosch-Farré, C., Gelabert-Vilella, S., & Romero-Collado, A. (2021). Effectiveness of a training intervention to improve communication between/awareness of team roles: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Professional Nursing, 37(2), 479–487.
NHS Fpx 5004 Assessment 4 Salas-Vallina, A., Simone, C., & Fernández-Guerrero, R. (2020). The human side of leadership: Inspirational leadership effects on follower characteristics and happiness at work (HAW). Journal of Business Research, 107, 162–171.
Wuryani, E., Rodlib, A., Sutarsib, S., Dewib, N., & Arifb, D. (2021). Analysis of decision support system on situational leadership styles on work motivation and employee performance. Management Science Letters, 11(2), 365–372.
Xu, A., Baysari, M. T., Stocker, S. L., Leow, L. J., Day, R. O., & Carland, J. E. (2020). Researchers’ views on, and experiences with, the requirement to obtain informed consent in research involving human participants: A qualitative study. BMC Medical Ethics, 21(1).