NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2 Need Analysis for Change
Solving the economic problem related to the high number of re-hospitalizations of heart failure patients is a necessary step for getting the proper care for patients and keeping the organization sustainable. NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2 need analysis assesses a challenge that has an unstable effect on healthcare providers, patients, and the overall community, outlining disparities among the socioeconomic class while also presenting evidence-based solutions. Analyzing why readmissions occur and their consequences will help to create solutions that will address and improve the health outcomes of patients while at the same time lowering overall healthcare costs. The purpose of this analysis is to display the importance of considering this to be a disaster and to ensure the implementation of successful actions.
Summary of Economic Issue
While the practice of readmissions in heart failure poses severe issues for the providers and the health organization itself, it is still an inescapable reality. Therefore, mindful actions and diligent follow-up are a must for the welfare of patients. A view regarding Concord Medical Center (CMC) in California shows the decision to readmission of the same patients within 30 days because of heart failure.
These admissions impose financial risk and load too much of a load on the health workers. NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2 leads to the re-hospitalization rates that make the whole picture shocking when I work as a healthcare practitioner. This throws the workload of nurses on nurses and has the potential of having nurses burnt out, upset with their jobs, and compromising the quality of patient care. This results in ever-increasing expenses at the personal and administrative levels. It increases the hazard of fines and other consequences from controlling bodies like the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
The desire behind incorporating this economic matter is based on the broad spectrum of effects on consumers, employers, workers, and investors. Initially, the high failure rates of patient readmission caused me to lose my schedule and have lower satisfaction. Secondly, not only does the organization experience loss of financial resources, but financial penalties.
NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2
Moreover, the organization will likely face strained resources due to the time and energy required to develop and coordinate a successful fundraising campaign that might not raise sufficient funds. Another is that the counties where the community CMC serves,s face a similar problem with rising healthcare costs and gaps in life due to the frequent visits related to the disease.
One of the significant holes contributing to a very high reinfection rate is that the patients do not acquire enough knowledge and power over self-management of heart failure. Very often, the patients are not involved in the treatment process, and they do not understand why they should take the medication in time or follow other rules of treatment. In this case, they usually do not follow the prescription. Due to the knowledge shortage, there is a tendency towards readmission as the patients fail to recognize symptoms of deterioration and do not take any precautionary measures to avoid serious complications.
Identification of Disparity
The extremely high CMC heart failure re-hospitalization rates concentrate on some population segments of the community. The re-hospitalization variance indicates the socio-economic and racial/ethnic health disparities in Camden. It is shown through research that those belonging to a lower socioeconomic level find it difficult to access healthcare in addition to healthcare affordability, especially in managing chronic conditions like heart failure. Disparities in public health data from the studies that are taken on health care inequalities consistently depict that people with low income levels and limited resources are more susceptible to facing adverse health outcomes, which include high rates of re-admission to hospitals for chronic conditions.
Evidence Supporting Disparities
The research by Upadhyay et al. (2019) tried to determine whether hospital readmissions and the nuisance they cause affect the efficiency of the hospitals’ work in Washington. The discoveries showed that the readmission rates were higher in hospitals that served impoverished communities when compared to those that served the population with relatively good economic status; thus, it could be inferred that economic factors and healthcare outcomes are linked. This validation depicts the unfavorability of financial status, which puts disadvantaged people on the listing side of the issue when it comes to chronic disease management.
NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2 Impact on Vulnerable Populations
These health inequalities regarding access to healthcare and outcomes occur in a setting where class and race factors interact with other dimensions of diversity, such as race, ethnicity, and language complexity, thus creating more disparities in the readmission of patients. The Jews, Native Americans, Hispanics, and Asians, as well as immigrants and people who do not speak English, are the most vulnerable ones in the face of receiving health care on time and in an appropriate manner. As a consequence, people belonging to these groups face a more significant threat of higher rates of readmissions to the hospital and poorer health conditions in comparison to other individuals from more advantaged life situations.
The outcomes of the evidence-based and scholarly sources highlight the grave matter of increased re-hospitalization among heart failure patients. Therefore, prompt and comprehensive mental alertness is required to develop workable solutions. Hospital readmission of heart failure patients is a multiple-factor phenomenon according to Al-Tamimi et al. ’s (2021) research, which showed that heart failure is a complicated disorder rather than a single issue. Characteristics like non-compliance with medication, neglect of care, and unavailable social networks could be seen in such patient’s repeated hospital visits. This research proves the significance of identifying and working with policies, services, and programs that solve the root cause of readmissions.
Findings of Scholarly Sources
Research from Kanaoka et al., 2019 and Urbich et al., 2020 show the economic side effects of persistent readmission for heart failure patients. Surprise admissions are a severe financial burden to the healthcare system because the entire cost, including the bill for tests, treatment, and procedures, is accepted. Moreover, hospitals are in danger of being penalized by the regulatory bodies, i.e., CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), for the high readmission rates, which will burden the restricted budget and eventually impact the quality of care provided to patients.
According to Aswani et al. (2018), an efficient approach to the intervention strategy, including the process of the underlying causes of heart failure patients’ high re-hospitalization rates, NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2 needs to be implemented. The community health centers’ strategy may include health promotion, medication adherence programs, and post-discharge care initiatives to empower the patients and help them manage their condition independently. Through interventions specific to the different elements of care and support provided, healthcare organizations could reduce readmission rates and improve the general outcomes of heart failure.
Predicated Outcomes and Growth Opportunities
Designing multidimensional intervention programs to improve cardiac failure re-hospitalization will bring various positive impacts and chances for patients and healthcare organizations to evolve.
Improved Patient Outcomes
Patient outcomes are considered a top priority of this implementation plan. Hospital re-hospitalizations can be addressed by addressing contributing factors like medication non-compliance and lack of self-care. This could result in people with heart failure excelling in self-management, which in turn reduces the likelihood of disease exacerbations. This is reflected in lowering the number of hospital admissions, the quality of life of patients, and their health outcomes.
NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2 Reduced Healthcare Costs
The other determinant factor that the hospital administration should expect is reduced healthcare costs for the patients and the organization. By reducing the cases that would result in hospital readmissions, the expenditure on repeated diagnostic tests, treatments, and procedures can all be undertaken to keep the minimal levels. NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2 Patients will get access to treatment as prices decline, and the financial stress will be reduced, increasing the acceptedness of healthcare. In addition, a hospital will save money by not having to pay for the imposition of penalties such as high readmission rates by CMS, thus strengthening the financial dynamics of the organization.
Enhanced Organizational Efficiency
Besides this, a prudent strategy to diminish the re-hospitalization rate is vital for NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2 hospital’s efficiency. One of the key benefits of implementing better care processes, better care coordination, and enabling patients to manage their conditions efficiently is to weed out the inefficiencies and unnecessary overheads in healthcare systems. Due to this, the post-discharge process will be improved, healthcare gaps will be diminished, and good relations with the staff will result in job satisfaction and retention.
Opportunities for Growth
The suggested program or action plan holds enormous potential for advancing multiple scenarios, such as healthcare innovation, patient involvement, and community alliance. Healthcare organizations would achieve transformation through evidence-based approaches and technology to develop new case delivery practices that ultimately improve patient well-being and care value.
The effective remedy to the economic issue of increased readmissions among heart failure patients consists of a complex approach with a focus on the social dimensions and clinical interventions. This can be attained through effective protocols that address patient education, care coordination, and patient-centered post-discharge plans, leading to improved clinical outcomes, lowered health expenditures, and better organization efficiency. Moreover, healthcare innovation, patient involvement, and community association have returned to the market and investment opportunities. With consolidated efforts and cooperation, healthcare facilities can decrease the impact of repeatedly done admissions and ultimately revise the quality of care for heart failure patients.
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