Organizational Change Essay
DNP 855 Module 2 Organizational Change Essay is altering the board in a clinical benefits context is intentional, step-by-step, and systematic. The risk factors of hypertension for adults aged 25 to 45 would be managed using an appropriate Southwest Change Model under Lewin’s Change The Board Model Framework.
Change the board includes empowering the leaders, planning, actioning, and overcoming barriers to fully adopt the new change initiative. To conclude, this reason relates to the training design for clinical practitioners. It provides patients with information on stroke prevention and the hypertension that needs to be managed to manage this condition.
Problem Identification
Especially for young people within the brackets of 25 to 45 years, hypertension poses a huge threat, especially for people with a risky lifestyle. Many standard nursing practices that are aimed at lowering a patient’s risk seem to be insufficient, and, therefore, a more sophisticated and tailored approach is required to ensure that the individual benefits and flourishes (Oliveros et al., 2020). The problem is the perennial problem in my institution and the unmet needs: the increase in clinical nurse practitioners and the patient’s self preventive coping strategies.
Change is a process that requires proper planning, particularly regarding its operationalization in a clinical care institution, which has several staff members who are supposed to work collaboratively to achieve the specified changes. The introduction of Change Changing the Trailblazers is centered around the question: What change do we wish to implement, and what are the goals? For more detial visit, Organizational change theory
As part of your assignment, the goal is to implement a success model in which clinical practitioners train and educate patients, thereby eliminating causes of hypertension among the 25-45 year age group. Due to very challenging and complicated tasks, the chance of lower level employees suffering is high during the organizational restructuring phase.
DNP 855 Module 2 Organizational Change Essay
Alteration should include a means of communication for guiding the debate concerning the problems that need to be addressed. It also includes asking those who are participants to attend and possibly engaging them in some discussion about the reasons for Change to happen. Building rapport with colleagues from the primary level can guarantee that they will buy into the Change because they are essential to formulating the process.
The next level in the organizing framework sets the following goals objectives that are specific, verifiable, achievable within a given period of time, and possess a sequence of events. Measures for Change refer to evaluating objectives and action targets that assist in managing the change process and provide a basis for assessing change validity.
For instance, one objective might include increasing the boundary of nurse-initiated wellness activities by at least 20% within the next two months or less for the nurses. Another way to do this may be to increase patient compliance with preventive actions like exercising and altering the type of food consumed by at least 30% within the same timeframe. DNP 855 Module 2 Assignment Organizational Change Essay to be realistic with regard to the existing level of skills and resources available in the organization and should align with the organization’s strategic goals.
Implementation of Selected Change Theory
Lewin’s Change Management Model can be used to finish the Change. Change model consists of three stages to understand the change association: Unfreezing, Changing, and Refreezing.
• Unfreezing:
DNP 855 Module 2 stage raises awareness of the prerequisite for change. Change fervor inside the organization (Mirzaei et al., 2020). Regarding my errand, this could involve gathering studios or gatherings to educate extras about the shortcomings of the consistent practices as well as the potential increments of doing the flourishing development model.
• Changing:
Once my organization is set, the next step is to implement the Change. Change management involves preparing the group for training and conducting a briefing session for the nurses (Mirzaei et al., 2020). This is the phase where monitoring should be done to determine if the Change Was Done and to assist if required.
• Refreezing:
The last step is to freeze the practices created in the implementation cycle and transform them into the standard. This could incorporate integrating the new preparation into conventional clinical attendant education and preparing and continually examining the results to make modifications.
Rationale for Selecting This Theory
The justification for selecting Lewin’s Change the Supervisors Model is that it is straightforward and can be completed in clinical benefits organizations. It is concise and valuable; thus, DNP 855 Module 2 Assignment organizational change essay is appropriate for the complicated climate in which different people participate. This coordinated strategy for collaboration guarantees that the Change is changed and stayed aware of for apparently forever to come, which is head while regulating patients and their care.
Involvement of People at All Levels
It is crucial to attract people from all accommodating levels as we complete the endeavour to administer hypertension through progress development. Specialists, attendants, clinical consideration staff, and supervisors should embrace Change (Changeş et al., 2020). These associates appreciate the significance of the endeavor and are ready to work toward accomplishing the goal overall.
Collaborative Change in Healthcare
For example, the clinical aides need to know about the new technological breakthroughs that are on the horizon, and the supervisors have to ensure they get the relevant information for them to succeed. Another level of aides is the primary intermediary of educational mitigations, and the degree of participation determines the use of discretion in the mediation. This enhances the feasibility of the Change. Everyone contributes to the Change instead of just a small number of people (Göktaş et al., 2020). This strengthened multi-faceted effort informs the opposition control, safeguards active participation, and thus dramatically improves the well-being of clients likely to have hypertensive problems.
Potential Challenges and Solutions
Assistance offered within the organization can also help mitigate these worries. Another barrier to achieving desired results is patients’ successful compliance with the educational tasks given to them. DNP 855 Module 2 Assignment Organizational Change Essay means that patients may be under strain concerning their appreciation of change or fail to appreciate the presented content (Cleven et al., 2020). We can provide straightforward answers to patients and arrange specific follow-up sessions to communicate the objectives.
Hearing a phone ring while driving a car is terrifying yet somewhat interesting. Some AIs suggest their users wait until their break to check on unsolved problems, only for the use of units to be unblocked, which rarely results in something productive. Like everyone living, people with disabilities or learning difficulties, I can accomplish anything I desire. Unfortunately, to some extent, others are shackled by the system of mold-like actions throughout material society. The structural-functionalist paradigm emphasizes viewing the components and the inequalities, including the class gaps, in the system and their impact on society concerning the positive or negative side of their exposure. In capitalist societies, the hierarchy serves as the body striving to survive, while supporting blood circulation of life-sustaining elements, such as cells, which are greedily abused by capitalists to make a profit by any possible means.
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Göktaş, O., Şentürk, T., & Ersoy, C. (2020). Factors affecting hypertension in the adult population of the Marmara region, Turkey: A descriptive field study. International Journal of Hypertension, 2020, e8869042.
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