N586 Module 3 Annotated Bibliography Assignment

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Annotated Bibliography

N586 Module 3 Annotated Bibliography Assignment seeks to illustrate the application of an electronic diabetes planning reference guide at a FQHC to improve the use of the DSMES reference process. This also created an e-referral to DSMES for patients with type 2 diabetes by performing the DSMES Workflow in EHR and coordinating instructional poster r. The findings indicated the rate of referrals provided over time, which suggests that EHR-based interventions may help overcome difficulties associated with diabetes care, especially for patients from rural areas. The study’s results underline the need for multidisciplinary care support and a systematic evaluation of these actions to guarantee sustainable effects.

 Impact of the Flourishing Expansion for Diabetes (HED) on Self-Care Management

This paper reveals the impacts of the local PProgram Flourish Program for Diabetes \HED\, which has been designed for managing self-care of diabetes among adults  The rogram results were evaluated through the System of Diabetes Self Care Activities (SDSCA) survey  The esults revealed improvement in self care activities related to diet, blood glucose level checking, physical activity, and foot care among the participants, particularly the Black/African American  Whil specifically analyzing HED, the survey notes a positive outcome because the local affectionate embrace taking the self-help paradigm puts measures in place to enhance the management of their diabetes.

N586 Module 3 Annotated Bibliography

This paper aims to understand the follow-up of T2DM patients with no previous request for DSMES who received a ready telephone call, and how many hours of DSMES were provided  The researchers che ked data from one center and two clinics and verified that under half of the patients were prescribed DSMES  Most of those presc ibed were school leavers with almost no training  One hour and betwee eight hours of DSMES intervention significantly improved glucose outcomes compared to those who did not participate  The results suggest that more attention needs to be paid to the first stage of the’‘funne’’ of DSMES to prevent participant’ from ‘ecoming bored in the intermediate and that the referral process needs to be revised to improve patient outcomes.

SALT-IN Program: Enhancing Diabetes Self-Management for Rural Latino Adults

In the ongoing evaluation, a program called SALT-IN specifically sought to enroll Latino adults with type 2 diabetes living in rural South Texas,where access to diabetes self-management education is very low, was piloted He intervention consisted of integrating community health workers and mobile health professionals into diabetes training and management for a substantial period. 

They included following the model plans, sncovering advances made, recording food consumption, and measuring and observing glucose levels. In any case, individuals had a minor decrease in body weight and no changes in glucose levels. He study also illustrates how such an approach may be ssuccessfulin improving diabetes care among the target populations. For the further information may visit Annotated Bibliography.

N586 Module 3 assignemnt annotated bibliography explains how telehealth, which is virtually a type of care that remotely aids in caregiving, enables diabetic patients, especially those economically disadvantaged  In this one, the focus is on devising and implementing te ehealth interventions to improve diabetes self-care support and service delivery for patients likely to have difficulties accessing health facilities and services  The article studies a few evaluations of diabetes interve tions designed for lower socioeconomic status populations in the USnd hypothesizes that these populations endure a multitude of such studies, like clinical apathy and denial of attention and treatment.

Telehealth for Diabetes Management in Minority Communities: A Hawaii Island Initiative

The meta-affiliation revealed that telehealth has the potential to be an essential tool for managing diabetes within minority groups. His Program was aimed at members of a small Hawaii iislanddwith fewemployment opportunities. The Program enabled type 2 diabetes patients to manage the illness through telehealth, family and community support, and novel mobile health class integration.

Over 9 months, 7 participants (1 diabetic and a caregiver) completed the study. Most diabetic patients reported decreased blood glucose levels and better understanding of diabetes and self-management. It has been proven thattelecare and mobile device integration is an effective way to manage DM in a resource-poor rural setting. This paper investigates what can motivate people to attend a community self management program designed for vulnerable populations including racial and socioeconomic minorities.  The aides were productive, and the inspectors socialized with the people at the center at social events. In addition, they noticed that the tangible incentive influenced the likelihood of voluntarily enrolling and remaining within the program. Workers and other mentors also prProgramneficial for mo   ation.

Enhancing Diabetes Self-Management: Key Elements and National Standards 

Some main outstanding elements include having the programs, incorporating practical skills, simple goals, and emphasizing modest behavioral changes. Other caring responsibilities, which were the most likely prospects to capture attention, were chronic illness or fatigue. Some ideas can be implemented in collaboration in interdisciplinary projects from this point to some years in the future. This paper is focus d on the newly introduced National Standards for Diabetes lf Management Education and Support that serves as the quality framework for diabetes management. These standards are then routinely updated by practitioners to make them clinically and evidence-based.

N586 Module 3 Annotated Bibliography Assignment

The continuous evaluation is expected to identify the facilitators and blocks that can impact the self-association of patients with T2 DM, especially those who have a spot with weak social events. Patients and clinical experts were additionally moved closer to think-pack versions that the specialists had formed. Kind et al. resolved a piece of the impediments as nonattendance of enlistment to help, saw disgrace, and wretchedness. Then again, factors that were seen as significant included getting individual thought, support from mates or individual patients, and tying down colossal data on the most skilled strategy to regulate diabetes.

This work featured surveying a delineation of patients with diabetes, the number of them who had gone to a diabetes self-management class, and the effect of that direction on sound practices. The analysts found that four grown-ups with diabetes in thin US and two-fifths of U.S. adults have been affected by who part ok in something like a class that had more fundamental self-management, including regularly checking blood glucose levels, not smoking, and working out.

Telemedicine and CHWs in Diabetes Care

They were bound to achieve such essential clinical starters and even cover COVID-19 vaccinations. The assessment observes that it is fundamental to emphasize educating more patients with diabetes to improve their success and prevent other complications. This evaluative review brought out a substantial review of the role of telemedicine and CHWs in aiding adults with diabetes from minority groups.

The study revealed that telemedicine and CHW facilitated diabetes self-management education training (DSME) teleconferencing improved glycaemic control (A1C%) and satisfactory levels and achievements targeting the patients’’ skillful and above fifty years of age were genepatients’nificantly. However, some barriers, such as those about mobility, and social tact, are now motivating. The proposed research shows that Cochrane-style interventions might lessen the effects of diabetes in the elderly. Yet, there a bias towards the more affluent elderly, mainly the aged above 65 years.

Culturally Tailored Diabetes Self-Care Model for African Americans

This assessment included an interesting diabetes self-care model for African Americans focusing on their sociocultural beliefs and views and medication adherence. Under this program, he program evaluated the group of peers who were African American and had type 2 diabetes or were attending the diabetes education programs. In the study, three”“respo dent”” who claimed to be on daily medication treatme”t co ianc” supported eight N586 Module 3 Assignment Annotated Bibliography who purported to be noncompliant with their medications. Over six months, the associates proved a little more on their hemoglobin A1C and demonstrated more confidence in self-managing their diabetes. The findings were promising and it was found that the program was feasible for a pilot study on a larger population.

Adult African With Diabetes

A program study aimed to develop a text for self-management for adult African with Diabetes Mellitus focusing on medication, diet, and exercise. The researchers followed with a sample of 5000 texts and revised them with the assistance of trained middle-level African American patients. The assessment was achieved by giving positive messages at this point, not stooping, avoiding strained words, offering clear and basic headings, and making the messages certifiable concerning all ordinary life conditions. This paper showed that while people update their status irregularly, dependable updates or tanta nt messages affect everyone’s discernment, leading to direct extra-made changes in everyone’s changes. Neighborhood for the messages was consistently fundamental and essential for bringing them down.

Tino Prospering Access Diabetes Self-Affiliation Program (LHA-DSMP) Evaluation

This document explored the sensibility of an area-specific program for the underserved Latinx population, centered around diabetes. This program is known as the Latino P ospering Access Diabetes P(LHA-DS  It included two sessions of 12 weeks each, which were to be facilitated by the community health workers. This program is separate from the usual care at a near-programary health care facility.   Participants who signed up for this study were 688, mostly Spanish-speaking Latinx patients with T2 Diabetes. The findings noted that LHA-DSMP resulted in a significant reduction in HbA1c than the usual and personal chronic care management.

Based on this situation, the study concludes that community-based approaches are the most effective for further controlling dcompared to usual medical care. The burden of diabetes. This study analyzed the integrated healthcare system in managing diabetes, including medical, glucose monitoring, and type 2 diabetes.N586 Module 3 A Management Annotated Bibliography. 

In this review, it was revealed that those individuals who initially showed a raised level of diabetes trouble got extra benefits from the programming, such as a more consistent improvement in blood sugar. In this way, it affects people who currently have concerns about using; adaptable pro ring assist with coordinating low weight could assist more since those with diabetes stress might be overwhelmed by aversive flourishing results.


Leapfrog Group. Hospital Safety Grade

https://www.leap roggroup.org/ratings-reports/hospital-safety-grade

Medic   .gov. Hospital Compare


National Institutes of Health (NIH). CPOE and Clinical Decision Support Sys ems


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Health IT and Patient Safety

https://w w.ahrq.gov/health-it/patient-safety/index.html

American dical Association (AMA). Health InformDental and Technology

http://www.ama-assn.org/practice-management/digital/health-in  rmatics-and-technology

PubMed Central. Impact of CPOE on Medication Errors


The J  nt Commission. Health IT and Patient Safety

https://www.jointcommission.org/resources/patient-safety-topics/hea  h-information-technology/

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