Nurs Fxp4060 Assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan

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Sudden Infant Death is considered an important issue as no one knows the reason behind it, but the Nurs Fxp4060 Assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan provides knowledge and awareness about how to control this issue. The sudden, accidental death of a small newborn who appeared to be healthy but whose death’s cause has not been determined despite a critical examination, a review of the clinical history, and an analysis is known as a sudden infant death. One of the primary sources of baby deaths in the United States continues to be SIDS. The Health Promotional Plan is an initiative for public and high-risk groups to boost sleep environments and various programs like the Back to Sleep Program, and due to this initiation, sudden infant death has stayed stable in recent years. This assignment is designed to learn about the needs and goals of a health promotion plan along with educational outcomes to achieve our goal and Healthy People 2030 objectives regarding sudden infant death (Dahl et al., 2021).

Plan Based on Specific Identified Health Needs and Goals

There are roughly 3400 accidental baby deaths in the US per year (Kim & Pearson-Shaver, 2022). According to the Centers for Disease Control, there seem to be three different causes of rapid(Nurs Fxp4060 Assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan), unusual infant deaths: sudden infant death illness, unexplained causes, unintentional suffocating, and death due to a lack of oxygen in the bed (Kim & Pearson-Shaver, 2022).

The cause of this issue will arise if mothers have less knowledge of the factors that can cause SIDs. Some mothers accept the approach that infants can sleep on their stomachs, and a few accept that to reduce the risk of SIDs, infants have to sleep on their backs. No one of them knows about reliable risk-reduction strategies. According to our survey, no one has provided complete knowledge about the sleeping position to reduce SIDS. SIDS occurs among babies below the age of 1 year, and the reason behind death will always remain unknown. It is estimated that SIDs are considered to be the third cause of mortality around the globe 2300 infants die due to SIDs, but this ratio dropped in 2018 from 130 to 35 deaths per year. The reason behind this reduction is that the “Back to Sleep” or “Safe to Sleep” program designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in 1994 was the primary factor in this favorable inclination (Vladescu et al., 2020).

Nurs Fxp4060 Assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan

Researchers discovered certain significant risk indicators and preventative actions that, when understood, can help and protect a newborn, even though the origin of SIDS is unknown. Prematurity, breath, and heart rate issues, chest illnesses, resting on the tummy or a soft surface, and newborn overheating are specifically mentioned among these risk factors. Particular maternal factors exist, particularly when moms smoke, misuse drugs or alcohol, or receive insufficient prenatal care (Anderson et al., 2019).

 Nurses play an important role in providing awareness to mothers and educating them about the right sleeping positions and other factors that can cause SIDS in children. Nurses have to focus on the code of ethics and ethical principles to guide people about SDIs and how to avoid this issue. With the help of SMART goals, we can provide awareness and knowledge to the people (Ali Gamal El-Deen et al., 2021).

SMART Objective: Health Promotion Plan for SIDs

 SMART goals mean specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely objectives that will help mothers learn about the causes of SIDs and how to get rid of this issue to avoid mortality among children. By using SMART goals, healthcare staff can provide knowledge and awareness to the people and achieve the desired goals of controlling death due to SIDs among children within the desired period (Jullien, 2021). the SMART Goals refer to:

  •  Specific goals refer to providing education and knowledge to the mothers about the cause of SIDs and informing them of the Back to Sleep Program because the death rate of infants is due to sleeping on their stomachs, by providing knowledge about this program, mothers will know about the sleeping position. Along with this, different handouts, helping materials, and the internet will also help them achieve a specific goal and control SIDs among children.
  • Measurable goals have defined the ratio of children that were dying due to SIDs, and according to the estimation, almost 2300 infants are dying due to this issue around the globe nurs Fxp4060 Assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan.
  • Conducting campaigns, seminars, and training nurses to avoid communication gaps and provide mothers with complete awareness is considered a realistic and attainable goal. This will help mothers become aware of issues that can be the cause of SIDs. With the help of realistic and attainable goals, the ratio of deaths will be reduced around the globe.
  • The objective SMART goals can be achieved with the help of awareness, campaigns, and seminars within two months. To check whether the goal is achieved, the death rate in infants will be reduced within two months.

Educational Outcomes and the Attainment of Agreed-Upon Health Goals

A local health department in a suburban area of California organizes a series of educational sessions on SIDS prevention and safe sleep practices (Nurs Fxp4060 Assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan). The sessions are designed to engage first-time parents, including working mothers like Emily, who recently welcomed their infants. The sessions are led by pediatricians, lactation consultants, and public health educators, and they cover topics such as the importance of safe sleep environments, risk factors for SIDS, and strategies for reducing infant mortality rates.

Emily’s participation in the educational sessions on SIDS prevention highlights the importance of addressing the to avoid placing infants on hard cushions, as this can increase the risk of SIDS. Additionally, removing toys or sheets from the cot helps minimize potential hazards during sleep time, reducing the risk of accidental suffocation. Encouraging babies to sleep in their cot, rather than on a shared bed, further mitigates the risk of overlaying and suffocation. These recommendations underscore the importance of creating a safe sleep environment and provide practical guidance for parents and caregivers to reduce the risk of SIDS and promote infant health and well-being.

Nurs Fxp4060 Assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan

Moreover, Emily’s desire for more information on safe sleep products and resources available in the U.S. market reflects the need for comprehensive support in navigating the options available to parents. By incorporating Emily’s suggestions, future educational sessions can better empower parents like her to make informed decisions and implement effective safe sleep practices at home, ultimately contributing to the reduction of SIDS rates and the promotion of infant health and safety nationwide.

After Emily’s feedback, future training sessions should emphasize working parents’ demands, such as nighttime routines and portable sleep places. Safe sleep products approved by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) can also help parents shop with confidence. Providing interactive engagement, personalized guidance from healthcare professionals, and follow-up resources and support through online forums or community groups can also improve SIDS prevention and safe sleep practices education (Priyadarshi et al., 2022). Emily’s views and experiences can help organizers keep future seminars relevant to parents and advance US SIDS prevention goals.

Implement Plan to Reach Healthy People 2020 Goals and 2030 Objectives

It is crucial to measure the success of educational sessions by looking at how far we’ve come in preventing sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other major health indicators linked to Healthy People 2030. By assessing the alignment between session outcomes and Healthy People 2030 objectives, we can identify areas where revisions are needed to better align future sessions with these objectives.

Firstly, we need to examine the extent to which educational sessions on SIDS prevention have contributed to achieving Healthy People 2030 objectives, such as reducing SIDS rates and promoting safe sleep practices. This evaluation should involve assessing changes in participant knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to SIDS prevention and safe sleep practices. (Oliveira et al., 2020). Additionally, we should consider whether the sessions have targeted priority populations and addressed disparities in SIDS risk factors, in line with Healthy People 2030’s focus on health equity.

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Based on this evaluation, it may become evident that revisions are needed to better align future sessions with Healthy People 2030 objectives. For example, suppose the evaluation reveals gaps in addressing specific SIDS risk factors or reaching underserved populations. In that case, future sessions may need to be revised to include targeted interventions or outreach strategies to address these needs. If a session’s outcomes don’t align with the objectives set by Healthy People 2030, it might be necessary to adjust the session’s content, delivery methods, or how its success is evaluated. As a result, we know that our work is making a difference in the fight against sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other public health issues, as well as meeting the changing requirements of the public (Kim & Pearson-Shaver, 2022).


IN Nurs Fxp4060 Assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan addresses the problem of sudden infant deaths in the Black American community. Addressing the issue of SIDS for Emily and the community is important to prevent the risk of health complications. By aligning future sessions with these objectives, effectively address gaps in knowledge, promote evidence-based practices, and foster community engagement. Revisions aimed at enhancing session content and delivery methods are imperative to ensure that our efforts are responsive to evolving public health priorities and effectively contribute to reducing SIDS rates. Through ongoing evaluation and alignment with Healthy People 2030 goals, we can strive towards the ultimate goal of safeguarding the health and well-being of infants and families against the tragedy of SIDS.


Ali Gamal El-deen, A., Bahgat, R., Awny, M., & Sharshour, S. (2021). Effect of Educational Intervention Based on Health Belief Model for Mothers about Prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Tanta Scientific Nursing Journal, 20(1), 105–134.

Anderson, T. M., Lavista Ferres, J. M., Ren, S. Y., Moon, R. Y., Goldstein, R. D., Ramirez, J.-M., & Mitchell, E. A. (2019). Maternal Smoking Before and During Pregnancy and the Risk of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death. Pediatrics, 143(4), e20183325.

Dahl, K., Andersen, M., & Henriksen, T. B. (2021). Association between auditory system pathology and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS): a systematic review. Biomedical journal Open, 11(12), e055318. 

Jullien, S. (2021). Sudden infant death syndrome prevention. BMC Pediatrics, 21(S1). 

Kim, H., & Pearson-Shaver, A. L. (2022). Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing. 

Oliveira, A. M. de F., Andrade, P. R. de, Pinheiro, E. M., Avelar, A. F. M., Costa, P., & Belela-Anacleto, A. S. C. (2020). Risk and protective factors for sudden infant death syndrome. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 73(2).

Priyadarshi, M., Balachander, B., & Sankar, M. J. (2022). Effect of sleep position in term healthy newborns on sudden infant death syndrome and other infant outcomes: A systematic review. Journal of Global Health, 12. 

Vladescu, J. C., Day‐Watkins, J., Schnell, L. K., & Carrow, J. N. (2020). Safe to sleep: Community‐based caregiver training. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 53(4), 1922–1934. Capella 4060 Assessment 3

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