NURS FPX 8010 Assessment 2 Strategic Plan Appraisal

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Strategic Plan Appraisal

NURS FPX 8010 Assessment 2 strategic planning identifies the current position and the desired end on which the organization should focus, it defines direction. Strategic management can be defined as the process of summarizing a firm’s purpose and its primary concepts in its business ventures, as well as the approaches that the firm will use to implement ideas. On the one hand, strategic planning provides and outlines a vision and mission. On the other hand, it depicts concrete directions to achieve the vision and mission. Although strategic plans can be tailored to each organization’s requirements, they often contain the following components: Concreteness, clarity, relevance, and understandability. This paper is a strategic plan appraisal of Harris Health System-Ben Taub Hospital for 2021-2025. The data validity of this strategic plan appraisal will be assessed, and stakeholder feedback and a balanced scorecard will be collected as part of the process. First, Talking Talbot is based on five strategic pillars, which will be discussed in this analysis.

Strategic Plan Analysis

Ben Taub Hospital is affiliated with Harris Health System, a mid-sized public healthcare organization in Houston, Texas. Harris County is the third most populated county in the United States, with approximately 3,800,000 individuals in 2010. NURS FPX 8010 Assessment 2public health care system affords its citizens essential, specialist, and hospital care services. It is based on five supporting pillars that define the further evolution of the hospital’s activity. These pillars include Quality and patient safety, People, The Harris Health System, Population health management, and Infrastructure Optimization. Every section of this AC is designed with intent and a way forward; consequently, It also has stakeholders that ensure that these pillars are implemented fully, as you will learn in this course.

The first of the Ultimate questions of QProject for high patient quality and improved hospital system safety refers to the fact that the hospital system will become a high-reliability organization. They consider quality and patient safety as one of the values guiding them; therefore, they think every patient must be protected from harm, which is unacceptable in modern healthcare organizations. They accomplish this through an Event and Incident Reporting System (EIRS); they record issues or challenges and then investigate and report this to enhance and alter processes to offer the best, which can be a guarantee of zero harm.

.NURS FPX 8010 Assessment 2

The people pillar is about engaging patient, employee, and medical staff feedback and then formulating strategies to deal with the areas of focus with the most potential for positive impact in worse-for-business ways. The above groups can benefit from their implementation and foster positive working relations, respect, appreciation, and trust for the system and everyone in it. Customer satisfaction will always result when customer feedback contains actionable information and leads to closed-loop communication. As stated in one of Harris Health System’s pillars, the coordinating unit should highlight the execution of its functions as a system for delivering and managing healthcare services. This is done to mitigate the fluctuation of providing care in the system. The fourth and final domain of population health management seeks to address a cross-continuum effort in improving health and reducing the need for acute care by introducing an integrated system of high-value preventive, non-traditional, and community-based services that involve the support of clinical and social service partners and underpinned by timely and informed population health analytics and information technology.

They think that instead of moving to the approaches that have been the mainstay of care delivery in this country for over a hundred years now, that of disease management, a shift of focus towards the fields of health promotion and disease prevention, being the core business of population health management will take them (HHS, 2021). They will be better placed to do more things that create value and fewer things that do not because they focus on developing and applying timely relevant data to assist their actions or decisions. As part of the fourth and final pillar of infrastructure optimization, they intend to create value, ensure safety, and fulfill patients’ current and future needs by investing in and optimizing structural relations and associated facilities for telehealth IT security, enhancing the development of health informatics. NURS FPX 8010 Assessment 2 forgoing five pillars also relate explicitly to the organization’s mission, vision, and value. This means that to avert or suffer casualties in society, there needs to be a vision among the people.

Validity of Data and Analytical Strategies

Organizations need to define their objectives and metrics using KPIs to achieve goals. Harris Health System, however, used the following strategies to asses its KPI in tune with each of the five pillars as mentioned here under. For the pillar of quality and patient safety, networking to obtain the quality needs of this pillar, such as Vizient, which was benchmarked in the proportions above, was employed. The people strategy includes developing a nursing strategic plan that recruits and retains qualified nurses while advancing their clinical practice, a patient satisfaction action plan, and employee/physician engagement. In the case of the third pillar of one Harris Health System, indicators like throughput, ideas of minimizing variation and waste, percentage of on-contract items procurement, and bed management redesign and effectiveness are all used to characterize this objective.

The fourth pillar of population health management leveraged by KPS was as follows: crafting the conceptional strategy For SDH; identification of overall geographical areas requiring more health care provision and creating care enablers; Working with community health choice to create a conceptual framework for a referral database to reduce hospital readmission rates; Establishment of APTS to expand the number of telehealth portals available in communities. The last element of infrastructure improvement applied performance targets like developing a plan to provide technology to the community to improve the entire population’s primary care capabilities and establishing a network that enables the system to address the primary care demands of the community effectively. This facilities plan specifies the additional hospital replacement facilities needed to ensure the system’s statutory mission (HHS, 2021). These measures shall greatly help this organization accomplish its goals and objectives.

NURS FPX 8010 Assessment 2 Stakeholder Input

However, it is only possible to develop proper strategies that can then be implemented through the help of your stakeholders. They are people, groups, or communities interested in the issues around a project, research, or policy intervention planned or implemented. To gain an understanding of the organization, Harris Health conducted interviews with some members of the Board of Trustees, executives, physicians, and staff of the organization, as well as the insurance representatives. In idea, they hoped that by employing this method, they could receive helpful feedback, get closer to creating more effective lines of communication, and achieve a more open organizational culture.

Harris Health has also developed internal, multi-disciplinary reference groups aside from one-on-one, focus group, and clinical chiefs’ interviews: inpatient and Outpatient leadership subgroups. It is also important to note that Harris Health sought external community engagement activities from across the Harris County region to determine how to continue with its mission and strive to serve the community. These participants included heads of government such as the Harris County Judge, Harris County Commissioners, other key officials, leaders from communities in Harris, heads of community-based organizations, and members of the Harris Health Patient and Family Advisory Council. Also, a survey link was sent to everyone employed in Harris Health. Eleven thousand four hundred seventy-four staff members & providers in different positions were invited to participate in the survey. All this is done to understand better what is necessary for the company and what more could be included as a contribution to the strategic layouts.

Balanced Scorecard (HHS, 2021).

Customer  Eliminate never-occurrences, high-harm reportable events, and hospital-acquired illnesses that can be avoided. Establish and spread a responsible and just culture throughout the company.Reduction in the safety even per 10,000 adjusted patient days, Reduction in HAC per 1,000 discharges, Reduction in voluntary employee turnover  Increase staff willingness to report occurrences and information openness, NURS FPX 8010 Assessment 2
Internal processCreate consistent policies and procedures across the organization and achieve a 2& operating margin.Improve the number of delinquent policies and procedures, increase medical services revenue, and improve overall operating margin.Improve healthcare delivery in the EC, evaluate the cost-benefit of clinical and operational outsourcing, and integrate all systems regarding clinical care and operational processes.
Learning and GrowthEnhance employee and provider engagementImprovement in overall engagement scoreIncrease worker satisfaction, lessen provider fatigue, and show a culture of patient-centered care.
FinancialEnsure viable, safe, and efficient physical infrastructure for serving patients.Increase in the number of implemented risk management strategies for high-risk utility failures.Create a thorough facility plan to identify the hospital replacement facilities required to meet patient demands.


NURS FPX 8010 Assessment 2, is a specific, practical, well-developed, and comprehensive strategic plan is necessary for an organization to attain its overall goals and objectives. It outlines the course to be followed for the organization, thus ensuring that in all that it does as an organization, it fulfills the mission and vision in the correct order. While a plan has been set to be higher in priority than another, the organization needs to keep attention if one or the other priority appears to overtake or, in some instances, disrupt.


Boaz, A., Hanney, S., Borst, R., O’Shea, A., & Kok, M. (2018). How to engage stakeholders in research: Design principles to support improvement. Health Research Policy and Systems16(1). 

HHS, (2021). Harris Health System 2021-2025 Strategic Plan.

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